First steps with Decidim
Decidim is a digital platform
for citizen participation
Installing Decidim
You can install it yourself or find someone to help you with tech support.
The right tool for you
For big or small organisations, discover how Decidim can cater to your needs.
Decidim in your city
If your city is thinking of deploying participatory policies, find out how you can convince them to do it.
Is Decidim the right tool for you?
Decidim’s flexible features are designed to serve both small and large collectives, public and private organisations, with hundreds or thousands of potential users.
Explore all featuresBacked by technology, democracy and experience

European Commission
The digital platform was launched on 19 April 2021 and was open to contributions until 9 of May 2022. During this...
Read the case study
Code for Japan
Decidim provides customize-friendly architecture so that we can adapt it to our domestic situation.
Read the case studyRead more case studies on our blog
Who’s behind the platform?
Metadecidim is the community that collaborates in the design of the platform and the development of the project. Together we design and create new features and report bugs for continuous improvement of the platform.
The Decidim Free Software Association is a democratic association for the governance of the Decidim community.
The process started in October 2019 at the European Commission’s DG Communication and eDemocracy unit at the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's science and knowledge service. An analysis of the needs of the Conference and which tools fit those, lead to choosing the open source tool Decidim for its technical maturity, broad community and adaptability.

Els principis democràtics com la rendició de comptes, la igualtat i la transparència estan en el centre del disseny. Decidim és està construït tenint al cap la democràcia, és el seu gran focus.

La plataforma digital Decide Mèrida va ser una oportunitat que va obrir com mai els mecanismes de participació ciutadana per a l'elaboració del Pla Municipal de Desenvolupament de Mèrida 2018-2021. Vam tenir més de 3 mil interaccions ciutadanes entre propostes, comentaris, suggeriments i suports que van donar lloc al major consens possible sobre què és el millor per a la nostra ciutat. Sens dubte, la plataforma Decide Mèrida continuarà sent la nostra aliada per a fer de Mèrida una societat cada dia més participativa.

What is Decidim's trademark policy?
Decidim and the Decidim logo are registered by the Association, they cannot be used as a commercial product nor cannot be sold. If used, the credit has to be referenced to the project. You can read more about this in our Trademark policy.
What can a Decidim administrator do?
Easily configure participatory processes Do you want to make a strategic plan? Or discuss new regulations? Or discuss a new square or a public building to achieve the common good? Thanks to Decidim you will be able to configure participation spaces (initiatives, assemblies, processes or consultations) and enrich them through the multiple available components (face-to-face meetings, surveys, proposals, voting, follow-up of results, comments and many more).
Where can I find the project roadmap and the planned features?
You can find the roadmap of new features of the project at GitHub.
Who is currently using Decidim?
It is currently used by cities and organizations worldwide. In fact, any group of people can use it, whether it is an NGO, university, trade union, cooperative, neighbourhood association, etc. Check the complete list of currently active instances.