Decidim és una plataforma digital de participació ciutadana
Free/libre, open and safe technology.
With all democratic guarantees.
Reprogramming democracy is now possible with Decidim.

Strategic planning
Processos participatius
de participació -
Initiatives and citizen consultations
Participatory budgeting
Networked communication
Decidim ajuda a ciutadans, organitzacions i institucions públiques a auto-organitzar-se democràticament a tots els nivells.
Implementing a flexible democratic system
We can help configure a system of democratic governance in all kinds of organizations.
Our featuresWe take democracy very seriously
Decidim ensures transparency, traceability and integrity of information like never before. It provides security, privacy and confidentiality to all participants.
Social contractIt's yours. Use it. Share it. Improve it.
A platform designed entirely with free software, open and collaborative content thanks to the Metadecidim community.
The communityWith the implementation of Decidim in Som Energia we have generated a kinder space for participation. We released the tool in 2018, hosting the General Assembly of the Cooperative and months later we debated the Image Redesign and collaborative development of the School of Som Energia, among other participatory processes. In a few months, more than 3,500 participant people have registered, 5 participatory processes, 3 assemblies operating and more than 1,300 votes in the last General Assembly vote.

Gràcies a Decidim, hem aconseguit a Barcelona co-produir un pla estratègic de ciutat conjuntament amb la ciutadania. En el 2016 inaugurem el Pla d'Acció Municipal en forma de procés participatiu a través de Decidim Barcelona. Actualment aquest pla recull gairebé 7 mil propostes ciutadanes. Una dels avantatges d'utilitzar aquesta plataforma és que pots seguir en tot moment l'estat d'implementació de les propostes acceptades.

We suffer under a lack of public space. It's particularly important that we reclaim these public spaces for us. Open platforms such as Decidim do exactly that. Is not only that is open source so other people can fork it, reuse it and build a process. It also has these values that we want to reflect in our society encoded in the way it's designed.

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