
Decidim Revamp: Platform Consolidation and Improvement with NGI Support

Decidim has been selected as part of the projects funded by the NGI Zero Commons Fund, under the NGI - Zero Commons Fund call. This support will enable us to implement significant enhancements to the platform through the Decidim Revamp project. More details on the project selection.

Project Description

The goal of Decidim Revamp is to consolidate Decidim's main functionalities, fix critical bugs, and organize the code after years of continuous development. This project focuses on the less visible but essential work needed to ensure clean and sustainable code for the long term. By the end of the project, we aim for the software to be more accessible for people with disabilities, have better-structured and fully updated documentation, and optimize module functionality with a cleaner and more efficient codebase.

EPICS and Project Tasks

The project will be divided into four main development areas, each with specific tasks and expected outcomes.

1. Implement Accessibility Improvements

  • Conduct user testing with accessibility tools (e.g., screen readers, voice commands).
  • Review the application according to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards.
  • Identify accessibility issues such as color contrast, screen reader compatibility, and keyboard navigation.
  • Develop and implement accessibility improvements.
  • Ensure forms are accessible, with appropriate labels and error messages.
  • Expected Outcome: Features that enhance Decidim's accessibility are implemented, providing a more inclusive user experience.

2. Update Documentation to the Latest Supported Versions

  • Identify outdated sections of the documentation.
  • Add new functionalities to the documentation and update relevant sections.
  • Review the documentation site structure for better readability and navigation.
  • Conduct peer reviews by community members for feedback and suggestions.
  • Expected Outcome: The documentation reflects the latest software updates.

3. Improve Modularization of the Current Codebase

  • Implement integration testing with different module configurations to detect module boundary issues.
  • Relocate code to improve cohesion and reduce module coupling.
  • Enhance module interfaces and APIs.
  • Expected Outcome: The codebase's modularization is progressively improved, enhancing maintainability and scalability without affecting existing functionality.

4. Clean-Up of Legacy Features

  • Audit the codebase to identify unused or unsupported features.
  • Define a deprecation plan for legacy features, including announcements and support timelines.
  • Ensure modern, efficient implementations for replaced features.
  • Inform users and stakeholders about the removal of legacy features and guide them on transitioning to new alternatives.
  • Expected Outcome: A cleaner codebase, resulting in a more robust system. Users and stakeholders will be informed and guided on adapting to new alternatives.

Progress and Updates

You can track the development of Decidim Revamp and learn more about updates through our project page on GitHub.

We thank nlnet Foundation for supporting this project and helping strengthen Decidim as a more accessible, sustainable participation platform prepared for future challenges.

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